==================================== t2124 ===================================== 13 : No emails nor log. Bd : Power failure (16:37-16-40). Eb : Gear box problem missing last 9 hours (08:30-17:30). K1 : Antenna stowed (01:07-04:02) (05:21-05:42). Kg : Started 9 hours late having problem with 1pps signal (17:30-02:27). Oh : Few scans due to bad timing with satellite contacts of the O'Higgins antenna. Sm : Did not observed. Elevation drive motor. Sv : Bad gps-fmout and gps-maser readings after 08:45. Ys : Late start (45 minutes). Early stop (2 hours). EVN+Radioastron. No problems found for : Ht, Is, Kv, Ny, On, Sh, Vm, Wz ================================ t2124bd READY ================================= 2018-04-24 17:27:59 t2124 Badary, Ready-message Session t2124 Ready message for Badary. Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: 1.226.2 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C):20; Pressure (mBar):912; Humdity (%):12 Sky conditions: cloudy State of cryogenic system: on (cold) Pointing values: SEFD 3.5R/13R Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 384/309 Virgo A 135/42 0.00076 -0.02058 Tsys :(RCP/LCP): 32/51 Operator Alakova ================================ t2124bd START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:30:34 t2124 Badary, Start-message Badary started t2124 session as scheduled at 114/17:30:00 UTC. First source 0059+581 Operators Alakova, Zadrutsky. ================================= t2124bd STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:26:42 t2124 Badary, Stop-message Badary ends t2124 observing 238 Bd has not observed scanc 115-1628 to 115-1637 because of problems with the electric power. Session were recorded on module   USN-0169/2000/1024 Disk Inventory:  D -3, F -1. Operators Alakova, Zadrutsky, Kotlova. ================================ t2124eb START ================================= 2018-04-25 09:07:01 t2124, Effelsberg, Start-message Session t2124 start message for Effelsberg. —————————————————————— Started recording with source 0727-115 at 17:30:00 UTC Best wishes Uwe ================================= t2124eb STOP ================================= 2018-04-26 07:42:59 t2124, Effelsberg, Stop-message Session t2124 stop message for Effelsberg. —————————————————————— Serious problems with tracking during the observations. Some sources were missed because antenna speed is slower than usual. Reason not known at that point. Antenna stopped tracking completely at 8:30 UT, because one of the azimuth wheels is blocked. Investigations are still running a day later, problem is located to be in the gear box. Repair is ongoing. Data of the first 15 hours (114.17:30:00 to 115.08:30:00, 126 scans good scans) should be fine and was recorded on a Flexbuf. Data will be e-transferred to Bonn. Weather was quite variable from clear and sunny to few clouds, thick clouds, rain and wind. Typical April day in Germany. Missed the following sources: 2018.114.18:00:34.77 1418+546 missed 2018.114.19:11:58.79 1520+319 missed 2018.114.22:17:17.77 1418+546 missed 2018.114.22:59:34.79 1749+096 missed 2018.114.23:09:59.77 0602+673 missed 2018.115.00:51:46.77 2000+472 missed 2018.115.00:56:45.77 1923+210 missed 2018.115.01:03:24.79 3c418 missed 2018.115.01:06:02.77 1030+415 missed 2018.115.01:33:06.77 1923+210 missed 2018.115.04:25:54.77 2215+150 missed 2018.115.04:29:58.82 2227-088 missed 2018.115.04:32:57.77 2358+189 missed 2018.115.05:07:30.75 2358+189 missed 2018.115.07:43:14.78 2319+317 missed 2018.115.07:49:28.78 0133+476 missed Best wishes Uwe ================================ t2124ht READY ================================= 2018-04-24 17:16:08 t2124, Hart15M, Ready-message Session t2124 ready message for Hart15M. ---------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15M is ready to start T2124. All systems nominal. First source: 0727-115 at 17:30:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 24.24 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 13.9 Pressure (mBar): 867.3 Humidity (%): 54.8 Sky Conditions: Clear skies Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys (x1/s/x2): 41.9/57.4/33.9 ================================ t2124ht START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:30:05 t2124, Hart15M, Autostart-message Session t2124 auto-start message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0727-115 at 114.17:30:05 UT ================================= t2124ht STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:32:43 t2124, Hart15M, Stop-message Session t2124 stop message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15M has completed T2124. All scans recorded successfully. Weather conditions were clear throughout. Data will be e-shipped to Bonn. Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 0, E 0, F 0, G 1, H 0, (other larger) 3 Observation finished at: 17:16:46 UT ================================ t2124is READY ================================= 2018-04-23 05:52:50 [vlbi] q18113, r1839 and t2124, Ishioka, Ready-message Ishioka is ready for q18113, r1839 and t2124. First source of q18113 is 1849+670 at 113day 07:00:00(UT). First source of r1839 is 1144+402 at 113day 17:00:00(UT). First source of t2124 is 0059+581 at 114day 17:30:00(UT). The data recorder is K5/VSI system. All systems are normal. Weather is cloudy Temp:16.9 C, Hum:74.4 %, Pres:1007.3 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +388.6 nsec at 113-05:30 Tsys: X-band=45.5 K, S-band=216.4 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1548.8 Jy, S-band=2178.2 Jy (Cas-A, AZ=321.3, EL=35.7) About q18113 data transfer, Correlator is BONN. data server(BONN) -> io10 data directory(BONN) -> /data/q18113/is data server(GSI) -> mizuho data directory(m5b) -> /cont2/Q18113is_m5b We will inform BONN, when the data is ready. About r1839 data transfer, Correlator is WASH. data server(GSI) -> iserv02 data directory(m5b) -> /ddn/vlbi/data/r1839is/m5b We will inform WACO, when the data is ready. About t2124 data transfer, Correlator is BONN. data server(BONN) -> io15 data directory(m5b) -> /data/t2124/is data server(GSI) -> mizuho data directory(m5b) -> /cont2/t2124is_m5b We will inform Bonn, when the data is ready. Sincerely, Kentaro Nozawa, GSI/AES =================================================== GSI VLBI group Geospatial Information Authority of Japan e-mail: gsi-vlbi-oper@ml.mlit.go.jp web: http://www.spacegeodesy.go.jp/vlbi/en/ =================================================== ================================ t2124is START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:34:10 t2124, Ishioka, Start-message Session t2124 start message for Ishioka ---------------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source 0059+581 at 2018/114/17:30:00UT FMOUT-GPS : +0.379 microseconds Wx: Temperature(C): 16.7 Pressure(hPa): 992.8 Humidity(%): 98.9 ================================= t2124is STOP ================================= 2018-04-26 00:32:21 [vlbi] t2124, Ishioka, Stop-message Ishioka finished t2124. Comments: All scans were recorded. --- Automatic measurement results at about 115-17:16 --- Temp: 13.4 C, Hum:98.9 %, Pres:990.8 hPa FMOUT - GPS = +376.0 nsec at 115-17:16 (UT). Tsys: X-band=48.7 K, S-band=210.6 K (EL=90) SEFD: X-band=1494.2 Jy, S-band=2397.6 Jy (Cygnus-A, AZ=68.8, EL=56.2) We put the file "t2124is.log" on "cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov". Sincerely, Kentaro Nozawa, GSI/AES =================================================== GSI VLBI group Geospatial Information Authority of Japan e-mail: gsi-vlbi-oper@ml.mlit.go.jp web: http://www.spacegeodesy.go.jp/vlbi/en/ =================================================== ================================ t2124k1 READY ================================= 2018-04-27 05:18:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 was ready for t2124 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started. The scheduled first source is 0059+581 at 24 April 2018, 114/17:30 UT. Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT on 25 April 2018 due to 1 pps signal problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.1 us for Kashima11 at 114/17:30 UT. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather were rain for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 17.9 C, Pressure: 1004.7 hPa, Humid: 97.9 % for Kashima11 on 114/17:30 UT. Temp: 16.4 C, Pressure: 990.0 hPa, Humid: 98.4 % for Koganei11 on 115/02:39 UT. Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5034/4628 Cas-A 322/50 +0.027/+0.007 118.5/89.1 Koganei11 (not available) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2124k1 START ================================= 2018-04-27 05:18:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 was ready for t2124 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started. The scheduled first source is 0059+581 at 24 April 2018, 114/17:30 UT. Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT on 25 April 2018 due to 1 pps signal problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.1 us for Kashima11 at 114/17:30 UT. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather were rain for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 17.9 C, Pressure: 1004.7 hPa, Humid: 97.9 % for Kashima11 on 114/17:30 UT. Temp: 16.4 C, Pressure: 990.0 hPa, Humid: 98.4 % for Koganei11 on 115/02:39 UT. Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5034/4628 Cas-A 322/50 +0.027/+0.007 118.5/89.1 Koganei11 (not available) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================= t2124k1 STOP ================================= 2018-04-27 05:19:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Stop message Dear Colleagues, We have completed all observations of t2124 session at Kashima11 and Koganei11 with two known problem. Kashima11 was stowed as follows due to strong wind. 0107 UT - 0402 UT, 0521 UT - 0542 UT Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT due to 1 pps problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.2 us for Kashima11. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather of Kashima and Koganei were rain, sometimes strong rain and wind for first half and cloudy for last half. The observation log files were uploaded to the server, depot.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov. Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2124kg READY ================================= 2018-04-27 05:18:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 was ready for t2124 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started. The scheduled first source is 0059+581 at 24 April 2018, 114/17:30 UT. Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT on 25 April 2018 due to 1 pps signal problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.1 us for Kashima11 at 114/17:30 UT. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather were rain for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 17.9 C, Pressure: 1004.7 hPa, Humid: 97.9 % for Kashima11 on 114/17:30 UT. Temp: 16.4 C, Pressure: 990.0 hPa, Humid: 98.4 % for Koganei11 on 115/02:39 UT. Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5034/4628 Cas-A 322/50 +0.027/+0.007 118.5/89.1 Koganei11 (not available) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2124kg START ================================= 2018-04-27 05:18:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 was ready for t2124 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started. The scheduled first source is 0059+581 at 24 April 2018, 114/17:30 UT. Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT on 25 April 2018 due to 1 pps signal problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.1 us for Kashima11 at 114/17:30 UT. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather were rain for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 17.9 C, Pressure: 1004.7 hPa, Humid: 97.9 % for Kashima11 on 114/17:30 UT. Temp: 16.4 C, Pressure: 990.0 hPa, Humid: 98.4 % for Koganei11 on 115/02:39 UT. Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5034/4628 Cas-A 322/50 +0.027/+0.007 118.5/89.1 Koganei11 (not available) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================= t2124kg STOP ================================= 2018-04-27 05:19:45 t2124, Kashima11, Koganei11, Stop message Dear Colleagues, We have completed all observations of t2124 session at Kashima11 and Koganei11 with two known problem. Kashima11 was stowed as follows due to strong wind. 0107 UT - 0402 UT, 0521 UT - 0542 UT Koganei11 was started at 115/0239 UT due to 1 pps problem. GPS-formatter clock offset is 6.2 us for Kashima11. Maybe GPS-formatter clock offset is -0.20 us for Koganei11. The weather of Kashima and Koganei were rain, sometimes strong rain and wind for first half and cloudy for last half. The observation log files were uploaded to the server, depot.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov. Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2124kv READY ================================= 2018-04-24 17:16:38 t2124, Sejong, Ready-message FMOUT-GPS: -25.3 usec Wx: Temperature (C) 8.3 Pressure (hPa) 993.9 Humidity (%) 72.5 ================================= t2124kv STOP ================================= 2018-04-26 00:37:04 t2124,Sejong,Stop-message comment: ================================ t2124ny READY ================================= 2018-04-24 17:18:53 t2124, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session t2124 ready message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- First source: 0059+581 at 17:30:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 180.48 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -9.3 Pressure (mBar): 1000.3 Humidity (%): 55 Sky Conditions: clear Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 588 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 1358/1711 casa 321/50 -0.0213 0.0063 Tsys (IFA/IFB/IFC): 70/80/48 ================================ t2124ny START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:30:04 t2124, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session t2124 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------ Started recording with source: 0059+581 at 114.17:30:04 UT ================================= t2124ny STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:41:55 t2124, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session t2124 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------ Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 7, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 9 Observation finished at: 17:26:07 UT ================================ t2124oh START ================================= 2018-04-24 19:53:29 t2124, O'Higgins (Oh), Start-message Session t2124 start message for O'Higgins (Oh) ----------------------------------------------------------- Start time delayed to 2018.114.18:46:57 UT due to problems with frequency distribution. First observed source at 2018.114.18:50:05 UT was source=0727-115. ----------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, O'Higgins VLBI Team Powered by O‘Higgins DLR Team ================================= t2124oh STOP ================================= 2018-04-24 20:09:29 t2124, O'Higgins (Oh), Stop-message Session t2124 stop message for O'Higgins (Oh) ----------------------------------------------------------- Stop time 2018.114.19:56:00 UT with source=0458-020 ----------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, O'Higgins VLBI team ================================ t2124on READY ================================= 2018-04-24 17:20:36 T2124 ready message ONSALA "T2124 readymessage for ONSALA " First source: 0727-115   at  17:30:00 UTC " DBBC-GPS:  +12.972 microseconds " Wx: Temperature (C):  8.2 Pressure (mBar):  1001.0 Humidity (%): 83.7  % "Sky Conditions: 50 cc ================================ t2124on START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:32:20 T2124 start message ONSALA "R1839 start message for ONSALA " Started recording with source 0727-115 at  17:30:00 UTC ================================= t2124on STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:38:12 T2124 stop message ONSALA "T2124 stop message for ONSALA "No problems to report ================================ t2124sv READY ================================= 2018-04-24 16:46:57 T2124,Svetloe,Ready_ message Session T2124  Ready message for Svetloe. Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: +1.0918 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C): 5.9; Pressure(mBar): 994.6; Humidity(%): 75.7. Sky conditions:  cloudy. Pointing values: SEFD  R/L      Source    Az/El       Offset1      Offset2            692/--    CygA   333/34   0,00159    -0,01708 Tsys (R/L): 43/74. Operator  Baykova. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto:oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================ t2124sv START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:30:30 t2124, Svetloe. Start- message Session  t2124 start-message for Svetloe. -------------------------------------------------- Svetloe started t2124 session as schedule at 114/17:30:00 UT. First source 0727-115. Mark5B+ recorder. Operator Gusev. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto: oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================= t2124sv STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:27:55 T2124, Svetloe. Stop- message Session T2124 Stop-message for Svetloe. ---------------------------------------- Svetloe ends T2124  observing 231. Module MPI-0066/1480/1024. Operator Baykova. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto: oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================ t2124vm READY ================================= 2018-04-24 06:32:35 T2124 VERA-Mizusawa ready message T2124 ready message for VERA-Mizusawa First Source: 0059+581 at 114doy 17:30 UT HM-GPS: -0.4 micro sec Temp: 12.6C, Press: 1008.2 hPa, RHum: 83.9% @ 114 doy 02:30 UT Sky: rain Recording: K5VSSP -- Takaaki Jike Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ================================= t2124vm STOP ================================= 2018-04-26 01:20:20 t2124 VERA-Mizusawa stop message VERA-Mizusawa stopped T2124  at schedule time. The state of recording is checked after today. Thank you, -- Takaaki Jike Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ================================ t2124wz START ================================= 2018-04-24 17:13:14 t2124, Wettzell (Wz), Start-message Wettzell (Wz) started t2124 at scheduled time. Delta ut(ref-efos18) = 42.765 micsec. at 114.16:45 UT. Delta ut(ref-tac2) = 0.924 micsec. at 114.16:45 UT. wx/clear sky, sunny, no rain, no wind. Regards, Wettzell obs. _ ================================= t2124wz STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 17:29:07 t2124, Wettzell (wz), Stop-message Wettzell (wz) finished t2124 at scheduled time. All scans were recorded. Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================ t2124wz OTHER ================================= 2018-04-24 19:33:47 t2124, Wettzell (Wz), Continue-message Wettzell (Wz) continues t2124 at scheduled time. wx/covered, no rain, no wind. Regards, Wettzell obs. _ ================================ t2124ys READY ================================= 2018-04-24 18:30:27 t2124ys, Yebes40m, Ready-message Session t2124ys ready message for Yebes40m. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Start late due EVN+radioastron observation overlap. First source: 0133+476 at 18:20:23 UT GPS-FMOUT: 7.6286 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 19.70 Pressure (mBar): 912.0 Humidity (%): 32.0 Sky Conditions: some cloudy Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 694.1 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 351.2/882 3c84 296.7/36.9 0 0 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 65.58/507.7/57.07 ================================ t2124ys START ================================= 2018-04-24 18:30:58 t2124ys, Yebes40m, Start-message Session t2124ys start message for Yebes40m. ------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0133+476 at: 18:20:23 UT ================================= t2124ys STOP ================================= 2018-04-25 15:31:54 t2124ys, Yebes40m, Stop-message Session t2124ys stop message for Yebes40m. ------------------------------------------ Comments: last scan recorded is 115-1528a due to EVN+Radioastron observation overlap. Problem scans: Source Scan start Explanation of problem NRAO512 08:07:56 Not recorded Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 1, D 2, E 0, F 0, G 3, H 0, (other larger) 1 Observation finished at: 15:30:58 UT ================================================================================